In addition to causing significant damage to your home or your premises, rodents like rats or mice are carrying diseases dangerous to humans. Rodent reproduction rate is very important and they are every where in Koh Samui. A few of them in your places can rapidly turn into an invasion that will cause serious damages. They will attack your food supply, your electric cables, your walls, your ceilings… in other words, your entire installation. It is unfortunately not buying a box of «anti-rat poison» in a supermarket that will solve your problem!
The good news is that as pest control professionals we can stop them!!
Our business requires a precise organisation and a precise order of operations to fight against these pests. A complete inventory of your premises will allow us to effectively organize the complete elimination of the invaders, by using strategic points to deposit our specific products, traps or baits, depending on the identified needs. Then, we will give you professional advices so as to clog the pests entry points to prevent further invasion. Needless to say, you don’t want snakes in your home either! Don’t worry! We know how to keep them away!
Our service in 4 steps
To get rid of rodents
Contact us by phone or using the form below. We will make an appointment at your home.
During our appointment with you, we analyze and clearly identify your rodent problem.
If you wish, we will draw up a quotation for you immediately. No obligation on your part.
After your acceptance, we intervene quickly and deal with the problem.
Get your free quote
Contact us now
• by phone directly
0954 20 6131
• Or by using our contact form
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In addition to causing significant damage to your home or your premises, rodents like rats or mice are carrying diseases dangerous to humans. Rodent reproduction rate is very important and they are every where in Koh Samui. A few of them in your places can rapidly turn into an invasion that will cause serious damages. They will attack your food supply, your electric cables, your walls, your ceilings… in other words, your entire installation. It is unfortunately not buying a box of «anti-rat poison» in a supermarket that will solve your problem!
The good news is that as pest control professionals we can stop them!!
Our business requires a precise organisation and a precise order of operations to fight against these pests. A complete inventory of your premises will allow us to effectively organize the complete elimination of the invaders, by using strategic points to deposit our specific products, traps or baits, depending on the identified needs. Then, we will give you professional advices so as to clog the pests entry points to prevent further invasion. Needless to say, you don’t want snakes in your home either! Don’t worry! We know how to keep them away!
Our service in 4 steps
To get rid of rodents
Contact us by phone or using the form below. We will make an appointment at your home.
During our appointment with you, we analyze and clearly identify your rodent problem.
If you wish, we will draw up a quotation for you immediately. No obligation on your part.
After your acceptance, we intervene quickly and deal with the problem.
Get your free quote
Contact us now
• by phone directly
0954 20 6131
• Or by email: